Attenborough’s world of sound

Photo credit: Johannes Plenio

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

We live in a world where we too often have to fend off unpleasant, intrusive and unwanted sound. For this reason, it’s nice to have the opportunity to tune in to the wonderful sounds of the natural world, which Sir David Attenborough shares in audio recordings. Too often, when overwhelmed with noise, people think of silence as the only alternative. But this alternative does not allow us to understand that the world is filled with pleasant and invigorating sounds — the chirping of insects, the singing of birds, the gentle breeze or raindrops falling on leaves. Yes, at times we need silence but at other times we must seek out the pleasant sounds around us that contribute to good health and well-being.

This newsletter provides us with a lesson on how we experience sound waves, to help us better understand how sound can either disturb us or enhance our well-being. This lesson on hearing can motivate us to protect our ears from the harsh and loud sounds that damage our most precious hearing organ. Remember, we can best enjoy the glorious sounds of nature, which includes the laughter of children, when our ears are in good shape.

This summer audio special promotes quiet technology, which includes quieter cooling units and dehumidifiers. I would like to add that the spring and summer are made more comfortable hearing-wise when we use quieter battery-powered lawn equipment — as Dr. Jamie Banks, founder and president of Quiet Communities, often reminds us.

To our readers: Please listen to this “Secret World of Sound” summer special.  Enjoy!

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