Arline Bronzaft on International Noise Awareness Day (INAD)


by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

The Quiet Coalition’s Arline Bronzaft, professor emerita at City University of New York, wrote about the history of International Noise Awareness Day (INAD) on the occasion of its 29th celebration. Congratulations to Arline and to Nancy Nadler at the Center for Hearing and Communication in New York for starting INAD, and to Nancy for supporting it over the years.
As Arline notes, The Quiet Coalition and our parent organization, Quiet Communities, Inc., are not alone. Multiple other national and local organizations have started to fight noise issues, ranging from leaf blower noise to aviation noise to vehicle horns. A new definition of noise, its basic wording suggested some years ago by Arline’s grandson, starts the revised American Public Health Association policy statement.
Thanks to Arline for detailing the history of INAD, and for her decades of work trying to make our world a quieter and better place for all.

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